
Get Flash Player on Android

As of late, Adobe Flash Player is no longer supported on Android and it is no longer available in Google Play. HOWEVER, you CAN still get it.
Just follow this VERY EASY set of steps and you will have it running. This was tested on an Android 4.0.4 device (Samsung Galaxy SII 4G Boost Mobile) that could not view flash content and could NOT get the player. This was a shame considering the device’s capabilities. It now has Flash Player and it CAN NOW view said flash content!

Here are the steps:
Open a browser on your Android phone (generally the default browser is the best bet, but Firefox will work too… just not Google Chrome – Chrome will NOT/MAY NOT allow the download)

In the address bar of the browser (not the search box of a search engine, the actual ADDRESS BAR), type in the following url (or if possible and you are on this site from your phone, click this):

This should start a download onto your device. If you try to run the file after installation, your phone (should/will) complain and block the install and tell you that you need to modify your settings to allow installation outside of Google Play. Go into your settings at this point (it should give you an Okay or Cancel to do so here) and locate something along the lines of allowing third party installations a.k.a Unknown Sources and check the box for it (and pay attention to where it is in your settings, because after the install you will want to change that back). On most Phones, this is under Settings – Security.

Once this is done, you will want to go find the file you downloaded and try the installation again – it should be in your DownLoads.

And that’s it. Flash should now work in your default browser or firefox (but will NOT or MAY not work in Chrome).

We hope this helps.

Make a Suggestion

Use the comment section below to post suggestions for tutorials. What you want to know about is important to us. Feel free to be specific. It may be something small that would only take about 5 minutes of video to cover; or it could be something that requires a full length series… but either way, we want to train you!

Web Development Series – Basic HTML

The following videos on HTML are the first section in our Web Development Series dealing with the basics of web design. We will get into individual CMS systems like Word Press in later levels of learning. You will be more successful if you go through these beginning videos first, which deal with the basics of what you will need to know later on. Especially if you have limited to no knowledge of HTML, CSS, or Javascript. The total run-time of this section is about 30 minutes. It covers the first of three languages covered in this series, HTML. Following this part, you should take a look at the CSS and then Javascript introduction portion of this series. We hope you enjoy it!

What You Need:
  • A Web Browser of your choice. Such as Internet Explorer, FireFox, Safari or Google Chrome.
  • NotePad or some other basic text editor. Do not use MS Word or other desktop publishing software. We do not want any “extra” stuff added to the code.
  • A working knowledge of files and folders. We will be saving files that we create and you will need to know how to get to them.

Web Development Series – Basic HTML: Part 1


Web Development Series – Basic HTML: Part 2


Web Development Series – Basic HTML: Part 3


Web Development Series – Basic HTML: Part 4

You are on your way!

The next steps are to continue on with CSS. You can catch the next part of this series on the Basic CSS Tutorial page. If you have enjoyed this so far, please feel free to leave some feedback in the comment section below. If there is anything in more detail that you would like to learn, you can place those requests in the comments or simply use the “Contact Us” link above.

Web Development Series – Basic CSS

The following videos are the second section in our Web Development Series dealing with the basics of web design. In this section we extend what was learned in the first section, Web Development Series – Basic HTML, and start working in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
The total run-time of this section with all 3 videos is about 30 minutes. We hope you enjoy it.

What You Need:
  • A Web Browser of your choice. Such as Internet Explorer, FireFox, or Google Chrome.
  • NotePad or some other basic text editor. Do not use MS Word or other desktop publishing software. We do not want any “extra” stuff added to the code.
  • A working knowledge of files and folders. We will be saving files that we create and you will need to know how to get to them.

Web Development Series – Basic CSS: Part 1


Web Development Series – Basic CSS: Part 2


Web Development Series – Basic CSS: Part 3

You are on your way!

The next steps are to continue on with Javascript. You can catch the next part of this series on the [It’s coming soon, sorry!] page. If you have enjoyed this so far, please feel free to leave some feedback in the comment section below. If there is anything in more detail that you would like to learn, you can place those requests in the comments or simply use the “Contact Us” link above.

Make Money Online – Buy or Sell Websites!


Websites and web applications are an organization’s most important link to the rest of the world! Today the majority of people are online – constantly. They are seasoned in the web and they expect “interesting”, “interactive”, “informative”, and “engaging” experiences. And that means that a website needs to be better than the canned, template websites the competition is using. There is a need for customized solutions that fits all needs. There is no room for cutting corners. You have a vision, right? You see this thing in your mind and you want it to work in reality like you imagined it. So, how is cutting any corners (even the smallest ones) going to ensure that your vision performs like you imagined? It won’t.

Using canned sites or CMS applications like Word Press are good starting points. They save time in the basics, but you still have to add all the extra bells and whistles that are in your vision – and more importantly, because the visitors on the web expect it!

No matter what you are trying to do, whether it’s buying, selling, flipping websites for profit, or creating a profitable masterpiece to run for yourself, you have to either have developers in your corner who know what they are doing,  or be able to do it yourself. To be honest, having both sides of that coin is the best angle. It opens up concept understanding and closes the gap in communication. You can find that here.

Welcome to Vivid Knowledge – Helping everyone who wants to know.


Web Development Series – Basic Javascript

The following videos are the third section in our Web Development Series dealing with the basics of web design. We will get into individual CMS systems like Word Press in later levels of learning. You will be more successful if you go through these beginning videos first, which deal with the basics of what you will need to know later on. Especially if you have limited to no knowledge of HTML, CSS, or Javascript.
The total run-time of the 4 videos in this section is about 40 minutes. It covers the third of three languages covered in this series, Javascript. We hope you enjoy it!

What You Need:
  • A Web Browser of your choice. Such as Internet Explorer, FireFox, or Google Chrome.
  • NotePad or some other basic text editor. Do not use MS Word or other desktop publishing software. We do not want any “extra” stuff added to the code.
  • A working knowledge of files and folders. We will be saving files that we create and you will need to know how to get to them.

Web Development Series – Basic Javascript: Part 1


Web Development Series – Basic Javascript: Part 2


Web Development Series – Basic Javascript: Part 3


Web Development Series – Basic Javascript: Part 4



You have completed the basic level of our training. Your next steps are to choose an area of interest and move forward. If you have enjoyed this so far, please feel free to leave some feedback in the comment section below. If there is anything in more detail that you would like to learn, you can place those requests in the comments or simply use the “Contact Us” link above.